Imaging Services

Whether your requested microscopy system is not available or the instrument is already booked, whether the configuration is missing for your specific application or you want a direct contact with experienced users for preparing your samples, the Imaging PaaS network will give you access to the microscopy system of your choice for your acquisitions and to specific know-how in sample preparation and tissue clearing.

The Imaging PaaS community is a worldwide network of microscopy core facilities and bio-imaging experts that will provide you timely access to the most suitable imaging equipment and services to facilitate your research work.


Sample preparation and tissue clearing protocols aiming tissue transparency by reducing light scattering and light absorption.are critical for achieving performance imaging. Imaging PaaS gives you access to a high-level expertise, and efficient protocols for your biological samples:

  • Organic solvent-based tissue clearing
  • Aqueous-based tissue clearing
  • Hydrogel embedding tissue clearing


All Microscopy techniques come with their specific benefits and trade-offs for qualitative and quantitative imaging. Imaging PaaS gives you access to a large range of advanced instruments that will match your imaging requirements:

  • Confocal CLSM
  • Spinning Disk
  • Light Sheet LSFM
  • Multiphoton
  • Super-resolution


Sample preparation and tissue clearing protocols aiming tissue transparency by reducing light scattering and light absorption.are critical for achieving performance imaging. Imaging PaaS gives you access to a high-level expertise, and efficient protocols for your biological samples:

  • Organic solvent-based tissue clearing
  • Aqueous-based tissue clearing
  • Hydrogel embedding tissue clearing


All Microscopy techniques come with their specific benefits and trade-offs for qualitative and quantitative imaging. Imaging PaaS gives you access to a large range of advanced instruments that will match your imaging requirements:

  • Confocal CLSM
  • Spinning Disk
  • Light Sheet LSFM
  • Multiphoton
  • Super-resolution

Your Coordinates

Please fill out the form below with a brief description of your imaging services request

Download the sample questionnaire. Please fill it out and upload here:

We will contact you shortly after receiving your contact request

Imaging PaaS

© 2021 by PhaseView. All right reserved.

Imaging Platform as a Service

Imaging PaaS
Tel: + 33 1 69 28 94 73
2 Impasse de la Noisette
91370 Verrieres Le Buisson

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